Intuit Firm of the Future GBC Spotlight

Intuit Firm of the Future Spotlight on Goshen Bookkeeping.png

I am super excited and honored for my accounting firm, Goshen Bookkeeping & Consulting to be featured in the Intuit Firm of the Future spotlight series. I shared with Mindy King my reason for using QuickBooks Online, my favorite timesaving tips for running my business, and how I unwind for crunching numbers. 

Here is a little excerpt from the article:

MK: What’s your number one time-saving tip?

UO: Figure out your productivity level early on in your business and learn how to prioritize your work according to that.

When I say productivity level, I am talking about recognizing what your most productive moments are each day and deciding whether you are someone that thrives on a structured process or a flow/mood process.

It also means determining whether you are an early morning person, a night owl, or a combination of both when working. 

For me, I have found that my most productive moments are the early mornings between 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. when everyone else is still asleep. I get important projects completed during this time and respond to all emails from the prior day since there are no distractions.

I love the peace and quiet this time slot offers. I also love having a structured process with some room to go with the flow when working with clients.

Understanding my productivity level has helped me to deal with stress, stick to my boundaries using the art of saying no and keep my life balance.

Check out the post to find out the craziest place I have ever worked in and let me know what you think.