Top 3 Ways to Use Thank You Letters to Reinforce Your Nonprofit's Mission

Nonprofits, did you know you could send out quarterly giving statements to your donors using a donor management email system without spending a dime on postage and mailing supplies? Yes, you can and it is a win for your budget!

You already have your donors' attention from the moment they decided to click on the donate button on your website or attend your events. Go one step forward and send out quarterly giving statements to donors with specialized messages that inform and educate your donors about your mission.

If you are not sending out quarterly giving statements electronically to your donors, we need to talk.

Here are the 3 ways to use your donation statements to reinforce your nonprofit’s.


1 | Talk about your successful milestones

Thank your donors for their generosity then inform them about the goals you accomplished during the quarter. Share your program stats or a short program success story that demonstrates how the funds you raised made a difference in your organization.

If your organization experienced a major change in its leadership team, use this opportunity to reiterate your mission and how the new leadership direction will help your nonprofit achieve its mission. 

Keep the message short and simple in the email and have the CEO, senior minister, finance chair, or board chair sign off at the end with a picture.

2 | Talk about ways donors can get involved with your nonprofit

Highlight the new programs you added to your organization during the quarter and share why. Add an invite link to upcoming events your donors can attend within your community in the email.

Donors might not read your newsletter frequently nor check your website, but they will read their giving statements. Therefore, you have to be creative in capturing a donor's attention in a unique way by highlighting important news with financial information.

This method is also a perfect way to let your current and past donors know what else you have been up to since they donated to your organization and the other ways they can support your mission.

3 | Talk about your long-term goals for growth and community impact

Small businesses and corporations have road maps they share with the public about the future direction of their companies. Nonprofits should have one too.

The best way to keep the attention of your donors is to show them your long-term plans to grow your nonprofit. How can donors continue to support you if they don't know what you need?

Share a short snippet of your nonprofit's road map and highlight one challenge your donors can help you accomplish. Link the message to a blog post on your website that expands on your goals and challenges.


You have four quarters in the year to use any one of the above tips in emails to reinforce your mission and goals to your donors. You can make it a part of your marketing strategy to keep your donors informed and engaged with your organization. 

Give these tips a try and let me know your feedback in the comments.